12 Ways To Get Moving

National Fitness Day is the first Saturday in May. This day encourages all of us to get moving more. Lack of physical activity can be extremely detrimental to one’s health and contribute to major diseases.

Get Moving, National Fitness Day
Get Moving for National Fitness Day

The benefits of moving more can include:

  • Increased brain function
  • Weight control
  • Improved mental health and mood
  • Disease prevention
  • Increased chances of living longer
  • Better sleep cycles
  • Increased energy
  • Reduced stress

As we are adjusting to a new way of life, we may be spending more time at home and have fewer opportunities to get up and get active as we once did. We’ve compiled a list of ways to help you get more movement throughout your day.

  1. Drink More Water

Water has plenty of health benefits and can contribute to weight loss goals and overall health.

2. Take Breaks During Commercials

When watching TV, get up and walk around your home for some extra steps.

3. Ditch The Drive Through

If your local coffee shop or breakfast shop is in walking distance opt for walking to get your morning spread versus driving.

Standing Desks, Get Moving, National Fitness Day

4. Get A Stand Up Desk

Using a stand-up desk throughout your workday can produce multiple health benefits. Find stand up desk options here.

5. Park Further Away

When shopping or out, park further away or towards the back of the parking lot.

6. Skip The Elevator

Opt for the stairs whenever possible.

7. Take Daily Walks

Getting your daily steps up by taking walks each day, try a walk after you finish your lunch or while you are on break.

Cleaning your home, step count, move more, physical activity
Cleaning your home can burn more calories than you think!

8. Tidy Up Your Home

Moving around your home, doing laundry, dusting, and wiping down countertops can actually cause you to work up quite a sweat. Staying on top of household chores can get you moving each day.

9. Take Walking Meetings

If you are working on location, influence your team to have walking meetings and get in extra movement.

10. Get To The Gym

Try adding the gym into your daily routine. Prepare yourself by keeping a bag of gym clothes with you in your car or ready to go.

11. Sign Up For A Race

Sign up for a marathon or walk that supports a cause you are passionate about. Training for this will encourage you to increase your cardiovascular endurance.

12. Count Your Steps

Consider using an apple watch or fitbit to track your steps. Setting a step goal could help motivate you to be more active! Click here for more ways to track activity.

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